Equilibrium Therapy Massage Pad about four years ago for my old horse as we had been told she had a cold back. She would stiffen up and bronk around the school for a few laps before she would relax and I could start to work her. Since using the pad I have seen a complete transformation in her behaviour. I put the Equilibrium Therapy Massage Pad on for fifteen minutes then tack up and we have not had any bronking since. I couldn’t live without this pad and now use it on my youngster.
The pad has three settings low, medium and high and each session lasts for 30 minutes but you don’t need to use it for the full time. The battery lasts for ages and the control is really easy to use. My horses go to sleep when I put the pad on they stand with their head on the floor and their eyes half closed. The Equilibrium Therapy Massage Pad can be purcahsed for only £249.99 at Tic Tac Equestrian.
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